Stage I–II
My name is Sandra and I am 30 years old. I have had my diagnosis since the summer of 2021 and, especially on the way to the operation, I was burdened by the constant restrictions in everyday life due to the pain, which I could not classify for a long time, and also my visual appearance, which I could not influence significantly even through good nutrition and sport.
That was me and my lipedema in stage I – II:
I had conservative therapy for a few months, manual lymphatic drainage.
Then I came to LIPOCURA® and everything changed!
I decided on LIPOCURA® because only lipedema specialists work at LIPOCURA®, who ultimately do nothing else all day but fight against this disease. In addition, one is operated on holistically and over a large area, so that redistribution and the return of the lipedema is greatly minimised. I entrusted myself to the LIPODOC because I felt absolutely taken seriously and understood.
I wanted to say goodbye to my lipedema because I am still young and did not want to be further limited by this disease.
That is me today:
Between then and now are:
Today I continue to eat a balanced and healthy diet and exercise regularly.
My biggest fear before the operation was actually the anaesthetic, because it is a big operation. I was also a bit scared of the catheter, but in retrospect this was totally unfounded.
Indispensable for me in the hospital bag were cola and loose dark clothes that could get dirty.
I am especially grateful on my lipedema journey that my husband supported me so unconditionally.
To all those who are still in doubt about the decision to have surgery, I want to say that you only have this one body and this one life. You should definitely live it pain-free and without restrictions!
You have questions for me? This is how you can find me on Instagram: fellfarben_happy
Note: It is important to mention that the testimonials of our patients do not describe aesthetic surgery, but refer to medically necessary procedures for the treatment of lipedema in various stages.
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From Anke – Patient at LIPOCURA®
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From Deniese – Patient at LIPOCURA®
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From Laura – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Kristina – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Charice - Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Anja W. - Patient at LIPOCURA®
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