Liposuction on the arms

Pathological fat accumulation – lipedema – occurs in various areas of affected women. Lipedema on the arms can lead to functional problems: an unpleasant feeling of cold and heaviness, sensitivity to pressure and even severe pain when touched. Although the disease is not yet considered curable, as the cause has not yet been fully researched, existing complaints can be significantly alleviated or even completely eliminated with liposuction.

At LIPOCURA® we want to give our patients back their self-confidence and significantly improve their quality of life. To achieve this, we take you and your condition very seriously and do everything in our power to make you feel that you are in good hands. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


How can we help you?


Brief overview of liposuction

Operating time approx. 2–3 hours
Anaesthesia General anaesthesia
Hospital stay 1 overnight stay
Rest period 2–3 weeks

How does liposuction on the arms work?

The holistic treatment at LIPOCURA® includes the initial consultation and surgery as well as aftercare and any follow-up treatments that may be needed. We are at your side with advice and support during every step of the process

To plan the surgery, we first set up an initial consultation with you in which we examine you thoroughly, take a detailed medical history and discuss your expectations with you. Of course, we are always available to answer any questions that may arise after the appointment.

On the day of the surgery, we begin the treatment by marking the areas to be suctioned on the skin and then administer the general anaesthetic. Next, we make small, inconspicuous incisions on the arms and inject the tumescent solution through them. After the tissue has been bloated, we gently suction off the diseased fat cells with a special vibrating cannula without damaging the surrounding tissue, nerve tracts or lymph vessels.

Lipedema surgery on the arms is followed by an overnight stay in the clinic. Immediately following the treatment, you will be given compression garments specially tailored to you to prevent dents and oedema from forming. They should be worn night and day for about six weeks and during the day for another six weeks. Give your body rest in the days following liposuction and avoid excessive physical movement, lifting heavy objects and physical exertion. The risks of complications and side effects – e.g. wound healing disorders, unsightly scarring – can be reduced to an absolute minimum by our specialists thanks to their long-standing experience.


What method is used for liposuction on the arms?

At LIPOCURA® we choose the PAL method (power assisted liposuction or vibration liposuction) with combined tumescent technique for all our liposuction procedures.

This method enables us to remove the diseased fat cells in a way that is particularly gentle on the tissue. By injecting the special tumescent solution before the liposuction, the fat to be suctioned is bloated and thus detached from the surrounding tissue. In the next step, the liposuction is performed with a vibrating cannula. Lymph vessels and veins are not damaged. In direct comparison to water jet assisted liposuction, the WAL method, the combination of general anaesthesia and the PAL method allows us to suction off significantly more fat cells and achieve a more even result.

Nach der Liposuktion Oberarmstraffung

After liposuction: upper arm lift?

As a result of the removal of large amounts of fat, there may be excess skin on the upper arms that cannot return to its original state on its own. We can permanently remove this excess skin with the help of a skin tightening treatment tailored to your needs. In addition to laser or cool plasma treatment right after liposuction, we also offer other methods of upper arm lifting.

Find out more about skin tightening after liposuction

How much does liposuction on the arms cost?

The costs for liposuction on the arms at LIPOCURA® are based on the existing findings of our patients. This determines the amount of fat cells to be suctioned off and the associated surgical effort. We will gladly make you a specific offer in a personal consultation.

You will receive more detailed information on the costs of the surgery and the possibilities for reimbursement by your health insurance provider.

More about costs

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Our locations

LIPOCURA® Frankfurt - Eterno Health


Eterno, Bockenheimer Landstr. 33-35/5. OG

60325 Frankfurt am Main


+49 69 2475309-0

Opening hours

  • Monday: 12:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm