stage II type 4
My name is Anja and I am 25 years old.
I have had my diagnosis since the end of 2016 and the increasing pain and of course the fact that my legs were getting thicker and thicker, even though I didn’t change anything in my sporting activity or my diet, and the self-doubt that came with it, was a particular burden on me on the way to the operation.
That was me and my stage II type 4 lipedema:
I had conservative therapy for about 2 years – continuous lymphatic drainage + compression tights.
Then I came to LIPOCURA® and everything changed!
I chose LIPOCURA® because I felt in good hands right from the start. They give you great advice, take their time and carry out an individual examination. The care there is absolutely warm and I always looked forward to my appointments.
I wanted to say goodbye to my lipoedema because the pain simply restricted me too much in my everyday life after about 3 years after diagnosis. I am actually very athletic, but it was hardly noticeable before the operations. First and foremost, of course, to live pain-free, but of course also to finally get my “old” lipoedema-free legs back, I then decided to have surgery.
This is me today:
Between then and now are:
Today I eat a balanced diet, pay attention to proteins and reduce carbohydrates a little and do workouts in the gym, MixxedFit (endurance training), swimming and jogging as sporting activities.
My biggest excitement before the operation was actually about the access, as I’m not a fan of needles, but in the end that wasn’t bad at all. My glitter Crocs were indispensable in the clinic bag. After the operation, the feet can swell so that you only fit into wide shoes. My glitter Crocs enhanced the “after-op look” a little. So make sure you take something with you that you feel 100% comfortable in!
I am especially grateful to everyone around me on my lipoedema journey who was always there for me during the time, listened to me and tried to make the healing phase as easy as possible for me. I am also very grateful for the warm care after the operation in the MedNord Clinic, the nurses there and, of course, Dr. Sauter for the great result.
I would like to tell all those who still have doubts about the decision to have an operation that it is true what everyone always says after an operation: the operation gives you back your quality of life. You get up in the morning with light legs and go to bed in the evening with light legs and without any pain. And by the way, you can wear so many clothes again that just didn’t fit before. So be brave and dare to have an operation! We have all survived so much pain that the operation is a piece of cake in comparison!
You have questions for me? This is how you can find me on Instagram: littlebitanja
Be brave enough to listen to your heart. Be strong enough to create the life YOU really want to live.
Note: It is important to mention that the testimonials of our patients do not describe aesthetic surgery, but refer to medically necessary procedures for the treatment of lipedema in various stages.
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From Katrin – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Anke – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Dilara – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Deniese – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Sandra – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Diana – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Laura – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Kristina – Patient at LIPOCURA®
From Charice - Patient at LIPOCURA®
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