compression, lipedema
4 Minutes

Compression girdle – what you should pay attention to after surgery!

I think each of us can remember the first time we took off the bodice after the first liposuction for lipedema – including the moments before when you don’t dare and don’t know whether it should be taken off at all yet.

I’d like to explain what should be paid attention to when wearing a compression bodice.

Healing takes time

So now you dare and peel yourself out of the compression bodice for the first time. Once this is done, you slowly waddle to the nearest mirror to inspect the surgeon’s work. When you first see the blue-purple coloration of your legs, the swelling, the crusts on the injection sites, and the excess skin, it doesn’t begin to match the image of the slender, pain-free legs you’ve always wanted.

Don’t be alarmed at this point though, this is normal and over the next few weeks, until the healing year is complete, the condition will gradually continue to improve.

To put your compression girdle back on

Once you have finished showering, you should not leave the girdle off for too long, and when it comes out of the wash, put it back on while it is still damp. Unfortunately, this is not always as easy as it sounds. You can still get it over the heel, but no later than halfway to the knee on the operated calves, it starts to get pretty painful and you run out of strength. It takes a lot of patience and strength.

Just take your time and breathe, you’ll get through this now! Maybe someone can help you get dressed or you can just try it step by step – preferably lying down. Within the recommended 6-8 weeks of wearing the compression bodice, putting it on and taking it off will also become routine, I promise! When the first swellings and pain disappear, it will be much easier for you.

Dos and Don’ts for the girdle

  • Help with undressing for the first time.

About 4 days after surgery, the girdle can be taken off for a shower for the first time. Decide for yourself when you want to dare to do it and when your circulation is fit enough. It is best to take someone with you into the bathroom for the first few times. Opening the bathroom window can also be a good precaution, as the fresh air will perk up your circulation.

  • Listen to your gut.

If you still feel self-conscious the first few days, keep the girdle on and shower off with it.

  • Loosen incrustations.

Moisten the girdle before taking it off to loosen crusting at the puncture sites. Later on, if the punctures are just a little oozing, feel free to use band-aids to prevent them from sticking to the girdle.

  • Boost circulation.

Remove the girdle while lying down to prevent problems with circulation.

  • Wash girdle properly.

It is best to use the time in the shower and afterwards to wash the bodice. For this purpose, it is best to use functional detergent and wash 2x the first time. You should never use fabric softener for the bodice.

  • Dry the bodice after putting it on.

Put the bodice back on damp and pat dry with a towel or dry with a hair dryer on the lowest setting.

  • Be patient and take your time.

Putting on the girdle takes a lot of effort the first few days after surgery and this is normal.

  • If in doubt, contact us.

You should be able to move well in the girdle, get good air and it should not wrinkle under any circumstances. In order to achieve the medically necessary compression, moderate pressure must of course be applied. However, if it constricts you severely, you can pad the pressure points with cotton pads, because it should not be too tight under any circumstances, especially at the waistband, and thus block the lymph flow. Even if it completely cuts off your air, please contact us at the practice and we will be happy to help you.

  • Wear the girdle continuously.

The girdle should be worn all day and all night for 6-8 weeks. It should be taken off only for washing, showering and MLD.

For manual lymphatic drainage, you may leave the girdle on until 10 days after the operation and only take it off as soon as it is comfortable and feasible for you. It would be best if you went to lymphatic drainage 3 times a week for the first three weeks after liposuction, 2 times a week for the following two weeks and then once a week for a few more weeks. Make the appointments as early as possible. The first week you should not drive yourself. It is therefore important to clarify whether someone can drive you there and pick you up, or whether your physio practice offers home visits.

Do you still have questions about the corset?

Then feel free to contact us and we will help you!

Best regards and a good healing time,


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