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Compression stockings in summer: what alternatives are there?

Summer, sun and breezy clothes – for many, this is the epitome of a free lifestyle. But for women with Lipedema, this time of year often poses a challenge. Compression stockings are an essential part of conservative treatment as they improve lymph flow and reduce swelling. Despite the skin-colored versions, the thick woven stockings often look uncomfortable under summer clothing and can be uncomfortable in high temperatures. Affected women are therefore looking for alternatives so that they can enjoy the summer.

One possible option is liposuction for Lipedema, in which the diseased fatty tissue is permanently removed. It means that medical compression stockings (MCS) are no longer needed later on, so that the warm summer air can circulate around the light legs. Nevertheless, compression should be considered an important aid within holistic Lipedema treatment, especially before surgery or during the healing phase after surgery. This is also of crucial importance if surgery is still a long way off. This blog post will tell you why flax knit compression works as support, where its limits lie and whether alternative therapies are more effective.

What do compression stockings do for Lipedema?

Compression stockings exert pressure on the tissue, which has several positive effects. They promote lymphatic drainage and help to reduce swelling by relieving pressure on the tissue. The even pressure can also relieve pain and tightness in the legs. Tissue pressure on the legs is typically greatest in the lower areas. Compression reduces this pressure. The mechanical pressure acts like lymphatic drainage during movement.

Optimized blood circulation supplies the tissue with more oxygen and nutrients. This improves well-being and accelerates regeneration. Compression stockings can also prevent skin changes and damage caused by chronic swelling.

Advantages of compression stockings in summer

Wearing compression stockings on hot summer days can present additional challenges, but also offer benefits:

  • Avoiding additional water retention: When temperatures are high, the body tends to retain more fluid. Compression stockings help to reduce this additional water retention and prevent swelling.
  • Maintaining the success of therapy: Compression stocking therapy remains effective even in summer. Wearing the stockings permanently helps to control the symptoms of Lipedema.
  • Support during increased physical activity: Many people are more active in summer. Compression stockings support the legs during movement and help those affected to remain mobile and active even at higher temperatures. This is because the blood vessels can dilate at temperatures as low as 25 degrees Celsius and the symptoms increase. Compression pressure counteracts this process and provides relief.

Which compression stockings are particularly suitable for Lipedema?

Flat-knit compression stockings are particularly suitable as they can be individually adjusted and offer an optimal fit. These stockings exert even pressure and are less prone to wrinkling, which could cause pressure points. They are suitable for all stages of circumferential changes.

Tips and tricks for wearing compression stockings in summer

Summertime poses particular challenges for Lipedema sufferers. High temperatures can make it difficult to wear compression stockings. Here are some tips and tricks to make the warm season more comfortable:

  • Put your stockings on in the cooler morning hours.
  • Choose light colors that absorb less heat.
  • Use cooling sprays or gels on your legs.
  • Make sure you drink enough to keep the skin hydrated.
  • When spending long periods outdoors, plan regular breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas.
  • Use special donning aids and gloves so that the stockings can be put on evenly and without damage.

Compression stockings on summer vacation

If you are traveling by car, train or plane, there are a few things you should bear in mind:

  • Take regular breaks to move your legs.
  • Also wear your stockings during the journey so that you can also benefit from the positive effects on vacation.
  • Clean your stockings regularly on site to ensure hygiene and functionality.

Can compression stockings cause pain?

Compression stockings should fit snugly but not cause pain. A good fit is crucial. Stockings that cause pain or restrict freedom of movement may not be fitted correctly. Custom-made compression garments can help here.

Does health insurance cover compression stockings for Lipedema?

Yes, health insurance usually covers the cost of compression stockings if they are prescribed by a doctor. It is also advisable to have a spare pair to maintain hygienic standards. However, patients should clarify whether this replacement supply is also covered.

When does the compression fit correctly?

As a general rule, compression stockings should fit snugly and not roll or slip. There should be no creases. Ideally, the seams should be on the outside. However, correctly fitting compression must not constrict or interrupt the blood flow. If you experience pressure points, skin irritation or an uncomfortable wearing sensation, you should contact your doctor about the problems.

How do I get a prescription for compression?

You can obtain a prescription for compression from your GP or a specialist if there is a medical need to wear them. You can take the prescription to a pharmacy or medical supply store of your choice. You will then receive your medical compression stockings or compression tights there.

What types of flat knit compression are there?

Compression stockings are available in different strengths, which the doctor prescribes according to the diagnosis. Their pressure unit is given in millimetres of mercury (mmHg): light (18 to 21 mmHg), medium (23 to 32 mmHg), strong (34 to 46 mmHg) and very strong (from 49 mmHg). They are made of an elastic textile fabric and exert controlled pressure. This promotes blood circulation and reduces pain and swelling.

In addition to flat-knitted compression stockings, round-knitted versions are also available on the market. These are manufactured seamlessly and are available in the classic clothing sizes. Individual customization is possible, but only to a limited extent due to the special manufacturing process.

Differences between flat knit and circular knit for Lipedema

While venous disorders are often treated with round-knit compression stockings, flat-knit compression is more commonly used for Lipedema. With this knitting technique, precise adjustment to the body measurements is possible even in difficult cases. They are also characterized by low resting pressure (when sitting or lying down) and increased working pressure when the muscles are tensed (for example when walking, running or cycling).

Why all seams should face outwards

With flat knit compression, all seams are preferably on the outside. This avoids pressure points in the sensitive hollow of the knee and on the sensitive inner thighs. Seams at the back can cause pressure points when sitting or lying down. In addition, external seams do not wear out so quickly due to friction. The compression garment is more durable and more cost-effective.

Flat knit and liposuction

After liposuction, you will wear a compression garment, which is usually specially made for you, for around six to eight weeks. It is only removed for washing, showering or manual lymphatic drainage. After this time, you can switch to flat-knit compression stockings and continue compression for several months until healing is complete.


Conservative treatment for Lipedema

In addition to compression stockings, traditional techniques can treat Lipedema and alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

  1. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD): This is a specific massage method designed to improve lymph flow and reduce swelling. MLD is often performed by trained physiotherapists and can be used regularly to relieve Lipedema symptoms.
  2. Exercise therapy: Regular, targeted exercise ensures that the blood in the veins and the fluid in the lymphatic system is pumped optimally to the heart, which relieves the strain of exercise. Suitable activities include swimming, cycling and special gymnastic exercises.
  3. Sports: Sporting activities improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Sports that are easy on the joints and train both endurance and strength, such as aqua fitness, Nordic walking or yoga and Pilates, are particularly recommended.
  4. Nutrition for Lipedema: A balanced and healthy diet can help to reduce inflammation and increase general well-being. It is often recommended to follow an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fruit, vegetables, healthy fats and lean protein. Avoiding sugar and processed foods can also be beneficial.

These traditional methods can help alleviate the signs of Lipedema and improve the patient’s quality of life. A comprehensive treatment approach that combines several of these techniques is often the most effective.

Treatment of Lipedema with surgery

Surgical treatment of Lipedema, particularly liposuction, can offer many benefits. The most important benefits include

  • Pain relief: many patients report a significant reduction in pain following liposuction. This is because the excess fatty tissue that is pressing on the nerves is removed.
  • Reduction of swelling: By removing the abnormal fatty tissue, lymphatic flow can be improved and swelling reduced.
  • Improved mobility: After the operation, many patients report improved mobility and increased physical activity, as the discomfort in the legs is significantly reduced.
  • Aesthetic improvements: The silhouette of the legs can appear more harmonious and slimmer as a result of liposuction, which can boost the self-confidence of those affected.
  • Long-term results: Unlike conservative measures, which must be performed regularly and for life, liposuction often offers long-term improvements. Once fat has been removed, it usually does not form again in the treated area

Conclusion: lasting success can only be achieved through liposuction

Wearing compression stockings and accompanying measures such as exercise, manual lymphatic drainage and a healthy diet are proven methods in the fight against lipedema of the legs. Based on our more than 15 years of experience with Lipedema patients, we know that lasting improvement can only be achieved through liposuction.

For an accurate diagnosis and consultation, we recommend visiting a specialized clinic for Lipedema. One of the leading addresses is LIPOCURA® with specialist centers throughout Germany. Here, those affected can receive comprehensive consultation and treatment from experienced specialists. We will get to know you and your individual situation better in an initial personal consultation. Arrange an initial consultation now by booking an appointment online.

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